Let's Discuss the Book

Between Paradise and the Pit

It is my hope that this book will be enjoyable and entertaining, but I also want it to spark meaningful discussions. I cordially invite book clubs, discussion groups, families, churches, classes, and others to discuss the topics that appear in my debut novel. Between Paradise and the Pit covers a myriad of topics such as homelessness, corporate corruption, PTSD, depression, domestic abuse, bullying, and body shaming, and I'm sure I've missed something.

Feel free to contact me to share some of your experiences during your discussions.

General Discussion Questions

  1. If you suddenly won 80 million dollars, what would be the first five things you would do? Are there ways winning 80 million dollars could negatively affect an individual? [Chapter 3]
  2. Do you give money to homeless people when they ask? Why or why not? [Chapter 4]
  3. Why do you think Arnold and his workout buddies hassled the homeless man? [Chapter 4] Now, do a web-based search on the question "How often are homeless people assaulted in the US." Replace US with the country in which you reside.
  4. If you were given a task by your superior to do something you considered to be unethical, and there's a possibility that you will be terminated if you don't do it, would you do the task? How would you handle the situation? Note: The director over your superior is also questionable. [Chapter 7]
  5. Why do you think bullies behave the way they do? Are they inherently bad/evil? [Chapter 9]
  6. If you saw a friend getting beat up by a person twice his size, and there are other enemies around, what would you do? Would you physically intervene? Note: You don't have a cell phone, and there's no one else in the immediate vicinity. [Chapter 9]
  7. Are there similarities in Arnold's actions (or inactions) when his workout buddies hassled the homeless gentleman in comparison to his actions (or inactions) when Victor Garrison found Joseph Belle's username in the technical audit? [Chapter 4; Chapter 11]
  8. What percentage of the corporations in the US have done something unethical and/or illegal and have not been caught? [Chapter 11]
  9. Does a person have the right to put another person's likeness on social media/Internet without consent? [Chapter 13]
  10. How do mental health problems affect the love ones of those who have the problems? Are mental health problems a sign of weakness? [Chapter 16]
  11. If you could go back in time to change one thing, what would it be? If yes, what are the possible implications of making that change? [Chapter 21]
  12. Consider the car you own. What percentage of your car purchase was for you versus for the way you want others to perceive you? [Chapter 39]
  13. Honestly, what percentage of your self esteem or self worth is tied to your job or job performance? Ponder on that percentage for a moment, and imagine that you just lost your job. [Chapter 45]
  14. What similarities (if any) do you share with the character Arnold Gantt? Miles Langdon? Joseph Belle? Randal Abrie?
  15. Does everyone deserve a second chance? What about murderers? What about people who've harmed your loved ones? [Chapter 50]
  16. Can the state of your clothes and hair affect your self esteem? [Chapter 52]
  17. Have you ever been the target of what you considered to be body shaming? Did it have an effect on how you felt about yourself? How did you respond to the shamer? [Chapter 60]
  18. Is there someone you need to forgive or reconcile with? If yes, do you think it will ever be possible to reconcile or forgive? [Chapter 68]
  19. If you knew this was the last day for you on Earth, what would you do? [Chapter 80]

Christian-based Discussion Questions

  1. How do you imagine Hell? [Chapter 1]
  2. How do you imagine Heaven? [Chapter 3]
  3. Has technology taken people further away from God? [Chapter 41] How many times would you say you check your cell phone (email, social media, texts, news, shopping, etc) in a day? How many times have you checked your phone in the last hour? How many times have you read your Bible this week?
  4. Does everyone deserve a second chance? What about murderers? What about people who've harmed your loved ones? [Chapter 50]
  5. Do you think you've come in contact with an angel before? What was the situation and how were you affected? [Chapter 50]
  6. Is a multitude or increase in material wealth an indication that you are blessed? [Chapter 60]
  7. How you deal with the question Why does God allow bad things happen to good people? [Chapter 62]
  8. Is it wrong to ask God Why? [Chapter 64] After you've answered the question, see Matthew 27:46 and discuss further.
  9. Is there someone you need to forgive or reconcile with? If yes, do you think it will ever be possible to reconcile or forgive? [Chapter 68]
  10. How do you view mental health in relation to faith and Christianity? [Chapter 73]
  11. Out of the seven sins listed below, which ones affected Arnold Gantt the most? Which ones have caused the most trouble in your life?
  12. EnvyLustGreed

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